ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Analysis of Longitudinal Modification on Lubrication Performance of Filtering Reducer

  • 摘要: 综合考虑了滤波减速器齿向修形参数、真实齿面粗糙度和瞬态效应等因素,建立了轮齿混合润滑数学模型,数值计算了不同修形参数值对应不同啮合点的最大压力和中心膜厚,分析了齿面粗糙度和转速对润滑性能的影响.结果表明:修形参数rRy均存在一个优化范围,使得轮齿表面最大油膜压力显著降低,边缘效应弱化,而中心膜厚则随着rRy的增大而逐渐增大;未修形轮齿边缘油膜压力受粗糙度的影响而急剧增大,边缘效应更加显著,修形后轮齿的边缘效应得到了明显改善,因此,轮齿修形也因粗糙表面的存在而显得更加重要;随着转速逐渐降低,轮齿表面的平均油膜厚度逐渐变小,接触比逐渐增大,轮齿表面由弹流润滑逐渐转为混合润滑,最后演变为边界润滑.


    Abstract: The elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) of filtering reducer was studied by considering the tooth correction, the real tooth surface roughness and transient effect. A mixed lubrication model was established. The maximum pressure and central film thickness were calculated at different meshing points with different longitudinal modification parameters. The effects of roughness surface and speed on lubrication performance were obtained. The results show that both of modification parameters, r and Ry, can be optimumized to make the maximum oil film pressure decrease significantly and hence avoid the edge effect in meshing process. The increase in parameters, r and Ry, increased central film thickness. For the gear tooth without longitudinal modification, the maximum oil film pressure increased significantly because of the roughness surface effect, but decreased after longitudinal modification. Therefore, longitudinal modification is quite important for gear reducer as the contact surface was rough. The decrease in speed reduced average film thickness but increased contact area ratio, which makes the lubrication from full-film and mixed EHL to boundary lubrication.


