ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Experimental Investigation for Finite Line Contact of Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication(EHL) under Oscillating Motion

  • 摘要: 针对对数型凸度滚子,在自制的滚子接触光弹流试验装置上开展了摆动工况弹流的实验研究。在2种不同摆动频率下,测量了弹流润滑油膜厚度和形状。结果表明:在一定载荷范围内,对数凸型滚子弹流润滑状态下的油膜厚度沿轴向呈均匀分布。摆动工况下润滑油膜的变化受到楔形效应和挤压效应的共同作用;低频时卷吸速度变化较小,以挤压效应为主;高频时卷吸速度变化较大,楔形效应增强。在卷吸速度为零时,油膜被封入接触区内,高频时形成的凹陷更为明显。


    Abstract: Oscillating experiments were carried out to study the Logarithmic roller on the self-made optical EHL line contact device experiments, which EHL oil film thickness and shape in two different oscillation frequencies were measured. The results demonstrated that contact area film was evenly distributed along the axis within load range. Films were changed under Oscillating motions by extrusion and wedge, were mainly affected by extrusion as entrainment rate was small with low-frequency and mainly affected by wedge as entrainment rate was large with high-frequency. When entrainment rate was zero, film was sealed contact with the region, which became more apparent in high-frequency.


