ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Behavior of MC Nylon Composite under Face-on-face Torsion and Sliding

  • 摘要: 为研究端面扭动摩擦特性,研制了端面扭动摩擦特性测量装置,进行了玻璃纤维增强铸型尼龙(MC尼龙)复合材料与45#钢在123 N法向载荷下的扭动与滑动摩擦学试验,扭动角位移幅值为60°和90°,使用扫描电镜观察MC尼龙复合材料磨损表面形貌,采用光学显微镜观察45#钢偶副表面转移膜形貌.结果表明:扭动摩擦的扭矩-角位移(T-θ)曲线随着循环次数的增加保持平行四边形,而摩擦扭矩随之升高;扭动状态下的摩擦系数高于滑动摩擦系数,扭动磨损后MC尼龙试样质量增加;滑动状态下的磨损机理主要为塑性变形和疲劳磨损,扭动状态下的磨损机理为更为严重的黏着磨损和疲劳磨损;滑动摩擦状态下,45#钢偶副表面形成了大面积连续的转移膜,扭动状态下,45#钢偶副表面只在接触中心区域有少量条块状转移物质.


    Abstract: A face-on-face torsional frictional tester has been developed for measuring face-on-face torsional frictional property. The sliding and torsional frictional experiments of glass fiber reinforced monomer casting nylon (MC nylon) against 45# steel were performed under a normal load of 123 N, angular displacement amplitude of 60°and 90°. The wear surface morphologies of MC nylon composite were observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The transfer films morphologies of 45# steel were observed with a microscope. Experimental results indicated that, under torsional condition, the torsional torque increased with increasing running cycles, while the T-θ curves remain parallelogram curves. Friction coefficient under torsional condition was higher than that under sliding condition. The mass of MC nylon samples increased after torsional wear. The wear mechanism under torsional condition showed more severe adhesive wear and fatigue wear than that under sliding condition. Under sliding condition, continuous transfer film with large area formed on the surface of 45# steel plate, but under torsional condition, there were a few strips of transfer film in the center of contact region of the 45# steel plate.


