ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Study and Application of Oil-containing Iron-Graphite Composite Materials

  • 摘要: 作者在铁-石墨系材料中添加适量的青铜、二硫化钼和铅,研制出了几种含油自润滑复合材料。这些材料的机械强度和摩擦磨损性能均比铁-石墨系材料的有不同程度的提高,并且比日本同类产品的好。通过多方面的实用证明,铁-青铜-MoS_2-石墨系含油材料适合于在较高负荷和较高速度下长期使用。为了更进一步地扩大材料的应用范围,作者还就今后的工作提出了若干重点研究的方向。


    Abstract: Several oil containing self-lubr icat ing materials of iron-graphite were developed by adding bronze, MoS^ and lead into the matrix? the properties of three typical composites were compared with that of the same kind of products at home and abroad, the results were shown in Table 1. It can be seen that the mechanical strength and tribology property of three composites were improved as compared with other chinese iron-graphite materialsj and they are also superior to the same kind of products of Japan .The application of these materials in many shown thqt oil-containing materials of iron bronze mos2-graphite are fitted to use in the cases of heavier load nad higher speed for a long time


