ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Behavior of Rolling Contact Fatigue Crack of Plasma Sprayed Fe-based Coating

  • 摘要: 采用等离子喷涂制备了铁基涂层,使用球盘式疲劳磨损试验机进行涂层的疲劳磨损试验,利用声发射技术在线判断涂层开裂,并通用透射电子显微镜(TEM)分析了试验前后涂层内部微观结构,研究了喷涂层疲劳磨损裂纹的扩展行为。结果表明:制备的涂层致密,结合状态良好,主要相为铁素体,同时存在大量的非晶-纳米晶相,利用声发射技术能够表征涂层的临界失效状态,其内部疲劳磨损裂纹主要以韧性穿晶断裂的形式扩展。


    Abstract: Fe-based coatings were deposited by plasma spraying. The rolling contact experiment was conducted on a ball-on-disc tester. The fractures of the coatings were monitored by acoustic emission (AE). The propagation of cracks in the coating was investigated. Results showed that the deposited coating had a dense microstructure and was mainly composed of ferrite. There were many amorphous/nanocrytalline phases in the coating. The critical status to failure can be characterized by acoustic emission (AE) signals. The ductile transcrystalline fracture was the main propagating mode of cracks in the coatings in the rolling contact.


