ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Study of the Test Method to Determine Rubber-Icy Road Friction

  • 摘要: 基于一种新开发的轮胎胎面橡胶摩擦试验机,建立了轮胎和整车与冰面间的模拟摩擦试验手段,提出了在高滑移速度段的瞬时试验法和低滑移速度段的连续采样试验法;分别在不同滑移速度、压力、温度下针对轮胎胎面胶块与冰面进行了摩擦试验,并对试验结果进行了模型拟合和分析.结果表明:作为轮胎主要组成部分的橡胶表现出很特殊的摩擦特性,其并不符合库仑摩擦定律;橡胶轮胎的机械特性在很大程度上取决于橡胶的摩擦特性,在一些极限工况下尤其如此;相关的橡胶摩擦实验研究对轮胎力学特性的研究具有重要的参考价值.


    Abstract: A simulating test method to determine the friction behavior of an automobile rubber tire on an icy road was established based on a newly developed test rig for the tire rubber-icy road surface friction measurement. Thus the friction test methods at high and low sliding speed regions were introduced. A series of friction tests were carried out at different slip velocity, vertical pressure, and temperature, and the test data were fitted and analyzed using a simulation model. It was found that the rubber used for tire as a special kind of material showed specific friction behavior, i.e., its friction behavior was not obeyed to Coulomb law. The mechanical performance of the tire was closely related to its friction behavior, which was especially so under severe conditions.


