ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Construction and Tribological Properties of ZrO2/rGO Multi-layer Composite Film

  • 摘要: 将层层自组装(LBL)技术与原位还原过程相结合在单晶硅片表面成功构筑了与基底结合牢固、性能优异的氧化锆/还原氧化石墨烯(ZrO2/rGO)多层纳米复合薄膜. 试验中,引入了具有强附着性和还原性的物质-多巴胺,使得氧化石墨烯(GO)片的表面锚固和原位还原可以一步完成. 另外,ZrO2 粒子的表面组装通过简单、温和的溶液沉积过程来实现.结果证明:复合薄膜中rGO和ZrO2的引入以及多层结构的构筑赋予复合薄膜许多优异的性能. 在不进行热处理的情况下,所构筑的ZrO2 /rGO多层薄膜表现出优异的力学性能(硬度:11.54 GPa)和摩擦学性能(摩擦系数:0.12~0.17),可作为减摩抗磨涂层被用于微/纳机电系统(MEMS/NEMS)的表面保护和其他领域.


    Abstract: In this work, ZrO2/rGO multi-layered nanocomposite film with high-quality was constructed by layer-by-layer self-assembly technique combined with the in-situ reduction process. The surface anchorage and in-situ reduction of GO were achieved in one step by virtue of a versatile substance of dopamine with strong adhesion and reducibility, and the deposition of ZrO2 was accomplished by a simple aqueous solution deposition process under mild conditions. Experiment results prove that the introduction of rGO and ZrO2, as well as the construction of the multilayer structure brought in the enhanced mechanical and tribological performances for the obtained composite film. The as-deposited ZrO2/rGO multi-layered composite film was a powerful system with competitive mechanical and tribological properties, thus making it competent as friction-reduction and anti-wear coating applied in micro- and nano-electromechanical systems for surface protection and other fields.


