ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4


高速烟支质量检测装置中陶瓷涂层/浸树脂石墨 摩擦副材料的选择研究

Materials for Ceramic Coating/dipped-pitch Graphite tribo-Pairs for High Speed Cigarette Quality Checked Equipment

  • 摘要: 热喷涂陶瓷涂层具有良好的抗高温、抗磨损、抗腐蚀等优良性能,在许多工程领域中得到应用。本文根据烟草机械高速烟支质量检测装置中陶瓷涂层的实际工作情况,对比分析了Al2O3-40%TiO2、Al2O3-20%TiO2、WC-12%Co和Cr2O34种涂层材料与浸树脂石墨作为摩擦配副材料时的磨损性能,并根据耐磨性好的原则对涂层材料进行选择,以达到减少零件失效、降低维修费用的目的。结果表明:在相同条件下,涂层材料磨损率由大到小分别为Al2O3-40%TiO2、 Al2O3-20%TiO2、WC-12%Co和Cr2O3,其中Cr2O3涂层的耐磨性最好。陶瓷涂层材料的主要磨损机理为黏着磨损、脆性剥落和磨粒磨损。


    Abstract: The thermally sprayed ceramic coatings have wide applications in machinery industries due to their high resistance to wear, corrosion and high temperature oxidation. Based on the work condition of the ceramic coatings in the high speed cigarette quality checked equipments, the wear behaviors of Al2O3-40%TiO2, Al2O3-20%TiO2, WC-12%Co and Cr2O3 coatings sliding against a dipped-pitch graphite were comparatively investigated for selection of wear resistant and cost effective caramic coating. The experimental results indicated that the rank of wear rates from high to low was Al2O3-40%TiO2 , Al2O3-20%TiO2, WC-12% Co, Cr2O3. Therefore, the Cr2O3 coating possessed the highest wear resistance and its main wear mechanisms were adhesive wear, fracture and abrasive wear.


