ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



A Consideration on the Tribological Design for Space Machinery

  • 摘要: 本文对空间机械的摩擦学设计进行了探讨,指出要确保空间机械工作的可靠性,就应当根据摩擦学知识在进行空间机械摩擦副结构、强度及动力学设计的同时,合理地选择润滑方式和润滑材料。作者认为,系统地积累空间摩擦学基础知识和各类润滑材科的基本性能数据,以及建立材科的基本性能与实际应用性能之间的数学关系式,都是进行空间机械摩擦学设计所需要具备的条件,并且提出应当根据摩擦副的使用环境和操作条件选择润滑方式利润滑材料,以及根据润滑材科的性能确定摩擦副的结构、强度和动力学设计的摩擦学设计之方法与步骤。 作者在举例说明对空间机械进行摩擦学设计的重要性后强调指出,为了提高我国空间机械的设计水平,应当加强研究部门与设计部门的密切合作,加速建立以材料之基本性能为基础的摩擦学数据库,并逐步建立空间机械摩擦学设计方面的专家系统。


    Abstract: The tribological design of space machinery is discussed in this paper. It is indicated that in order to ensure the operation reliability of space machinery the lubrication mode and materials should be selected reasonably according to tribological knowledge, while determing the structure, strength and dynamic design for space rubbing couple. The author considered that systematically accumulating the basic knowledge of space tribology and characteristics data of lubricating materials, as well as establishing the mathematical relationship between the basic properties and practice of the materials are the prerequisite for tribological design of space machinery. In addition, the methods and steps of tribological design were suggested as follows: selecting lubrication mode and materials based on the environmental and operating conditions, and determining the structure, strength and kinetics design of the rubbing couples according to the properties of lubricating materials.


