ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Wear Failure Analysis of High-Speed Corrugating Roll

  • 摘要: 本文对进口的高速瓦楞辊的磨损失效形式进行了分析,认为其主要磨损形式是磨粒磨损,即齿侧为滑动磨粒磨损,齿底为应变疲劳磨粒磨损,而齿预则包括了这两种磨损形式;齿顶和齿根两侧都是磨损最严重的部位;磨粒主要是纸中夹带的SiO2砂粒。文章最后还明确指出,瓦楞辊的返修期应当定在其出现非均匀磨损之前,但是由于楞齿承受曲应力而诱发疲劳裂纹,故此返修次数是有限的。


    Abstract: This paper analysed the wear failure modes of a high- speed corrugating roll, indicating that its dominant wear mode is abrasive wear produced by the SiO2 particles embeded in the paper, showing the characteristics of strain fatigue abrasive wear on the bottom of flutes and both sliding and strain fatigue abrasive wear on the top of crowns. The locations for maximum wear are always on these two places, and the wear volume at both end parts of corrugating roll is larger than at its center, that is obviously different with what are reported in literatures. The authors consider that the main reason is due to the gradual reduction of roll diameter at its center in service, which will damage the uniform distribution of stress on the roll surface along its full length and accelerate the wear at its end parts. Therefore the repairing of corrugating roll flutes must be carried out before the complete vanishing of the protruding diameter at its center, and the times of repairing are also limited, because the fatigue-induced permanent damage will become the main source of roll failure after several times of repairing.


