ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Development of a Super-high Pressure Apparatus and Its Application in Measurement of Lubricating Oil

  • 摘要: 设计了测量液体压缩率的超高压试验装置。采用自制的传感器测量了超高压腔体内的压力和动密封部件与超高压腔体间的摩擦压力。发现该摩擦压力约为超高压腔实际工作压力的30%;用差分测量法可消除密封部件和试验装置弹性变形对测量结果的影响;同时测量了几种润滑油的体积压缩率,并用2个数学模型对试验数据进行了处理,消除了系统误差,给出了压缩炫与压力的关系式。结果表明,超高压试验装置结构合理,密封可靠,测试方法先进,


    Abstract: An apparatus working at super high pressure up to 840 MPa was designed.A sensor with simple structure,convenient usage,and high precision was designed and calibrated, with which the pressure in super high tank was directly measured.Meanwhile,the friction pressure between the moving sealing parts and the wall of super high tank was measured to be about 30% of the actual working pressure. In order to eliminate errors caused by the elastic deformations of the sealing part and the apparatus,different measuring method was adopted.The testing data were dealt with two mathematical models.The relationship between the compressibility of lubricating oils and the working pressure was established.The results show that the appatatus has reasonable structure, reliable sealing parts, and high measurement precision.


