ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Research Status and Advances of Tribology of Green Ship

  • 摘要: 绿色船舶是船舶领域1个重要的发展方向,摩擦学理论及其技术在以新能源应用为特征的绿色船舶发展过程中将起到重要作用。导致绿色船舶在运行过程中功率损失和能耗增加的原因主要涉及到内摩擦和外摩擦两方面的问题,前者主要包括船舶主机、辅机与轴系等机械装置内各摩擦副之间产生的摩擦,而后者主要存在于与空气和水接触部分,包括甲板上层建筑、船体壳板、螺旋桨、舵与艉轴外支架等。本文在解析绿色船舶与摩擦学之间关联的基础上,以系统的观点从三方面就相关摩擦学问题进行了详细论述,重点论述了风能和太阳能在船舶上应用的摩擦学问题、船舶减阻的摩擦学研究以及船舶能效提升涉及的摩擦学问题。最后,结合绿色船舶摩擦学的现有研究进展及发展趋势,对摩擦学相关研究工作在船舶行业的应用前景进行了展望.


    Abstract: Utilizing the new energy technology and seeking for high energy efficiency, green ship is a significant development for the shipping industry in the future, and the tribology will play an important role during this developing process. It is the problems of internal friction and external friction that actually lead to the ship's power loss and energy consumption increase, the former includes the friction problems existing in the rubbing pairs of main engine, auxiliary engine and shafting system, while the latter aims at the friction in the interface between hull and water, as well as that of hull and atmosphere. Analyzing the relationship between green ship and tribology, this paper discusses these two fields from three specific domains in the view of systematical standpoint, which are tribology problems of new energy ship, tribological research for hull resistance reducing and energy efficiency improving, and finally, the blueprint and entry points for relative study on tribology that takes the shipping industry as its application field are prospected by reviewing and dissecting the research progress and development trend.


