ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Erosion-behaviors of the Coating on Steel Structure Eroded at Low Erosion-angle in Sandstorm

  • 摘要: 针对风沙环境中钢结构涂层长期受冲蚀,涂层破坏直接降低钢结构体系耐久性的现状,采用能模拟风沙环境的气流挟沙喷射法对钢结构涂层试件进行了低角度冲蚀试验,用失重测量法测定涂层冲蚀失重量与沙剂量和冲击速度关系,进而评定冲蚀程度,用扫描电镜(SEM)观测分析涂层冲蚀区的微观形貌来分析冲蚀机理,并提出了涂层冲蚀程度评价计算公式.结果表明:涂层冲蚀失重量随沙剂量和冲击速度的增大而增加;低角度冲蚀主要为微切削作用,材料硬度起决定因素,高角度冲蚀主要为冲蚀挤压变形作用,材料韧性起决定作用,由于涂层材料硬度低而韧性高,故在低冲角下其受冲蚀程度严重;验证了评价计算公式用于评价涂层冲蚀程度的可靠性.研究结果将为准确评价风沙区钢结构体系耐久性提供依据.


    Abstract: Aiming at investigating the deterioration of the coating on steel structure eroded in sandstorm, the erosion test to the coating on steel structure was conducted by using airflow jet with sand at low erosion-angle. The mass-loss measurement method was used to assess erosion degree of the coating. Microstructure of the erosion zone was analyzed to reveal the erosion mechanism of the coating. A formula for assessing the erosion degree of the coating was proposed. Results show that the mass-loss of coating increased with increasing sand dose and impact velocity. The main erosion mechanism was micro-cutting at a low erosion-angle and hardness of material was a decisive factor. Erosion is mainly compressive deformation at a high erosion-angle and material toughness played a decisive role. Because the coating had low hardness and high toughness, it was eroded severely at a low erosion-angle. The reliability of the assessment formula was verified to assess the erosion degree of the coating.


