ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Water Content on the Hardness and Friction Coefficient of Swine Teeth Enamel

  • 摘要: 本文采用猪牙为研究对象,通过干燥和浸泡处理来控制猪牙釉质中的水分含量,利用维氏硬度仪和纳米压痕/划痕仪,研究了水分对离体生物硬组织力学性能和摩擦学特性的影响.结果表明:水含量能引起猪牙釉质表层硬度和摩擦系数的恢复性变化.猪牙表层硬度会随着水分的减少而升高,在水分再次增加后回落.猪牙表面摩擦系数随着水分的减少而降低,在水分再次增加后回升.


    Abstract: The mechanical properties and micro-friction behavior of swine tooth were investigated after various drying treatments, using Vicker's indentation test machine and nano-hardness/scratch tester. Moreover, the recovery of swine tooth's mechanical properties in water was investigated by immersing the dried enamel specimens in deionized water. The objective of this study is to explore the effect of water on biological hard tissue. The results show that the hardness and friction coefficient of swine tooth enamel were associated with its water content. The surface hardness of swine tooth enamel increased with the reduction of water, but the friction coefficient of swine tooth enamel decreased, and they were recovered significantly after water-immersing treatment.


