ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Research on the Relationship between the Friction Coefficients of Lubricants for Drawing and Blank Holder Force

  • 摘要: 采用拉深用润滑剂性能评定模拟试验机研究不同种类的润润剂在不同压边力值条件下,拉深过程中的摩擦系数与压边力之间的关系。结果表明:试验用的油基润滑剂主 大拉深性能越好,受压边力的影响也越小,水基润滑剂受压边力的影响明显大于油基润滑剂,并且存在最佳压边力。


    Abstract: A test rig for simulated evaluation of performance of drawing lubricants was used to examine the relationship between blank holder force and the friction coefficients of various lubricants during drawing. As the results, blank holder force has different effect on the lubricating performance of different lubricants for drawing. Such an effect is more prominent for water based lubricants for drawing than the oil based counterparts. The higher the viscosity of a lubricant, the less the effect of blank holder force on the lubricating performance. Moreover, there exists an optimal blank holder force for the best lubricating performance of the drawing lubricants. Thus it is imperative to select appropriate holder force in engineering applications.


