ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Computer Programs to Calculate Formulations of Solid Lubricant Coatings of Organic Binders II . A Program to Select Blended Solvents

  • 摘要: 本文在对有机粘结剂的溶液理论、溶剂的选择判据、有机粘结剂和溶剂的溶解度参数等进行了简要介绍之后,重点阐述了作者根据溶解度三参数原理、溶剂相对挥发速率、线性优化数学模型和环境保护规范等编制的选择混合溶剂的电子计算机程序,并对计算结果及其应用也作了一定深度的讨论。


    Abstract: This paper introduces solution theory of organic binder, criteria for selection of solvent and solubility parameters of organic binders and solvents. Based on the principle of solubility three parameters, relative evaporation rate, mathematical model of linear optimization and a rule of environmental protection a computer program to select blended solvents was compiled and mainly introduced in this paper. The selected results and their application were also discussed.


