ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Mechanism of Short Wavelength Corrugation of Rail Surface

  • 摘要: 通过对轮-轨系统进行动力学分析,指出高频率的能量传播主要集中于轮轨之间,在对轮-轨系统进行有限元分析的基础上,研究了轨道的受力情况和摩擦系数对应力分布的影响。讨论了轨道的弹塑变形和安定极限。


    Abstract: The dynamic behavior of a wheel rail system was investigated. Melan's (lower bound) shakedown theorem was examined and applied to calculate the shakedown limits. The preliminary research results indicate that the short wavelength corrugation of the rail is due to a large amount of energy from the vibration components at high frequency. The finite element analysis of the wheel rail contact shows that the maximum stress under the subsurface exceeds first yield strength, which leads to plastic deformation.


