ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Study on Wear Mechanism of Polyetheretherketone and Morphology of Its Debris under Unlubrication Conditions

  • 摘要: 为了将分形几何引入摩擦学研究,在考察无润滑条件下聚醚醚酮磨损机制的同时,研究了这种材料的磨屑形态.结果表明,对应于不同的磨损率,磨屑呈现出不同的几何形态,磨屑的分形维数与载荷的关系同材料磨损状况的改变相对应.以此为基础,有可能根据磨屑的分形特征发展一种实时原位监测高分子材料摩擦部件磨损状态的新技术


    Abstract: In order to introduce fractal geometry to the tribology research, the wear mechanism of polyetheretherketone (PEEK) was investigated under the unlubricated conditions, morphology of debris from PEEK were also studied. The experimental results revealed that the wear debris exhibited distinct morphologies corresponding to the various wear rate with the increment of loading. Fractal geometry was found to be able to quantitatively describe the wear debris state. The relationship between loading and fractal dimension of wear debris reflected changes in wear of PEEK. On the basis of this research, an in situ wear monitoring technique for the frictional components made from polymers can be developed.


