ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Research Status of Cryogenic Solid Lubrication

  • 摘要: 根据研究工作积累和文献资料调研 ,对 12 0 K以下超低温环境固体润滑研究的发展现状进行了归纳和分析 ,介绍了超低温环境的特性及相应的摩擦学测试手段 ,将超低温环境按照超低温液体介质和超低温真空 2种情况分类 ,结合在超低温滚动轴承中的应用情况分别阐述了在不同超低温环境下常用固体润滑剂的摩擦学特性 .认为超低温固体润滑研究领域必将成为摩擦学研究的热点问题之一 ,现已取得一些有应用价值的成果 ,但对其研究还应进一步深入和系统化


    Abstract: A review on the recent progress of cryogenic solid lubrication is given. The properties of cryogenic environments and suited test methods of tribological characteristics are presented. The cryogenic environments have been classified as cryogenic liquid media and vacuum cryogenic conditions. Under above two different conditions, the tribological properties of common solid lubricants, as well as lamellar solids, polymers, soft metals, are presented associated with their application on cryogenic ball bearings. The research field of cryogenic solid lubrication certainly should be one of the most research hotspot in the future. Though valuable application progress has obtained, it still needs profound and systematic research.


