ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Properties of Al 65Cu 20 Cr 15 QuasicrystallineParticles/Al Matrix Composite Alloys

  • 摘要: 首次研究了Al65Cu20Cr15准晶颗粒/Al基复合材料的硬度及摩擦学性能。研究表明,该复合材料的硬度随准晶颗粒体积分数的增加而增加,最大达到1200MPa,最纯铝的4倍。复合材料的摩擦学性能优于纯铝,当准晶颗粒体积分数为15% ̄20%,摩擦学性能随体积分数的升高而改善,当体积分数达到25%时,摩擦学性能有所降低。


    Abstract: In this paper the tribological properties and hardness of Al 65Cu 20Cr 15 quasicrystalline particles/Al composite alloys are reported. It was found that the hardness of the alloys increases with increasing volume fraction of quasicrystalline particles and the maximum hardness is as high as 1 200 MPa, being 4 times of that of Al. At our test conditions, frictional coefficient and wear rate are lower than that of Al and decrease with increasing volume fraction of quasicrystalline particles in a range from 15% to 20%, when volume fraction reaches 25%, the frictional coefficient and wear rate increase to some extent.


