ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Braking Performance of Hybrid Fibers Reinforced Brake Pad with Latex Particle Modified Phenolic Resin Binder

  • 摘要: 采用自制的环保型乳胶粒化学改性酚醛树脂为粘结剂制备了和谐号电力机车用轮装式有机合成闸片,参照欧洲标准UIC 541-3: 2006和我国铁道部标准TB/T 3118-2005规定的试验程序,在铁道部产品质量监督检验中心机车车辆检验站进行了闸片的制动性能试验(最高速度200 km/h时制动闸片中心线速度为41.8 m/s)。试验结果表明该闸片在不同初始速度干燥条件下的平均摩擦系数在0.29 ~ 0.57,静摩擦系数平均值为0.47,36闸后的磨损率约为0.2 cm3/MJ,满足UIC 541-3: 2006中规定的指标。表面形貌观察发现制动试验后闸片无开裂、掉渣、塌边和皴裂等现象,红外分析发现闸片摩擦表面化学结构与基体基本一致,粘结剂未发生明显摩擦化学反应。该闸片在和谐号电力机车的制动中将有广阔的应用前景.


    Abstract: A latex particle modified phenolic resin was designed and developed to manufacture organic brake pad for electric power locomotive brake. The braking performance was evaluated on a full-scale test bench at Vehicle Inspection Station of Product Quality Monitoring Center of Railway Ministry, People’s Republic of China, according to the Europe standard UIC 541-3: 2006 and Standard of China Railway Ministry TB/T 3118-2005 (the central line speed at brake pad was 41.8 m/s at the highest speed of 200 km/h). The test results indicated that the average dry friction coefficient of the brake pad under different braking speeds ranged from 0.29 to 0.57, the average static friction coefficient was 0.47, and the wear rate of the pad was 0.2 cm3/MJ after 36 times of braking tests. All the above results satisfied the required values of UIC 541-3: 2006. No bulges, loss of rubbing material, cracks and metal-embedded deposits were observed on the brake pad after the whole tests. FTIR analysis results indicated that chemical structure of the pad was similar to the polymer matrix, and no obvious tribochemical reactions were confirmed. All the results suggest that the new type organic brake pad may realize application for the brake of “Hexie” electric power locomotive.


