ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Electrical Sliding Wear Behavior of Al2O3/Cu Composite Prepared by Internal Oxidation

  • 摘要: 采用内氧化法制备Al2O3/Cu复合材料,在自制电磨损试验机上评价Al2O3/Cu复合材料的磨损性能,采用扫描电子显微镜观察Al2O3/Cu复合材料的磨损表面形貌,用能谱仪对其磨损表面主要元素进行分析并探讨其磨损机制.结果表明:在相同试验条件下,Al2O3/Cu复合材料的磨损性能明显优于Cu-0.36Cr-0.06Zr合金,Cu-0.36Cr-0.06Zr合金的磨损率较0.40%Al2O3 /Cu复合材料的磨损率高1倍多;在无加载电流条件下,Al2O3/Cu复合材料的磨损机制为粘着磨损和磨粒磨损;在载流条件下其磨损机制主要以粘着磨损为主,并随着电流强度的增加,粘着磨损程度加重,Al2O3/Cu复合材料表面的粘着物主要来自于铜基粉末冶金滑块;Cu-Cr-Zr合金在无加载电流条件下的磨损机制主要为粘着磨损和磨粒磨损,在载流条件下主要为粘着磨损、磨粒磨损及电烧蚀磨损.


    Abstract: Using self-made electric-tribo tester, electric-tribological behaviors of Al2O3/Cu composites by internal oxidation were investigated. The wear resistance of Al2O3/Cu composite was greatly superior to that of the commercial Cu-0.36Cr-0.06Zr alloy, the wear resistance of typical Al2O3/Cu composite with 0.4 wt% of A1203 was about 2 time better than that of Cu-0.36Cr-0.06Zr alloy. SEM and EDS analysis indicated that the wear machanism of the composites was adhesive wear with existance of current, while it was abrasive and adhesive wear with no-current. The increasement of current accelerated the adhasive wear.


