ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Behavior of Submicron ZrO2 Particulates Toughened Al2O3 Dental Ceramic

  • 摘要: 考察了亚微米氧化锆增韧氧化铝陶瓷(Z2S)在人工唾液润滑下的摩擦磨损行为,并与目前口腔临床常用烤瓷材料Vita陶瓷和Dentsply陶瓷进行对比.结果表明:与Si3N4陶瓷配副时,Z2S的摩擦磨损性能优于Vita陶瓷和Dentsply陶瓷,其磨损率比Vita陶瓷和Dentsply陶瓷的磨损率低2个数量级,Z2S的主要磨损机制为轻微的磨粒磨损和塑性变形,并受ZrO2的摩擦诱导相变影响;与天然牙釉质配副时,Z2S不仅自身磨损低而且对天然牙釉质的磨损较小,天然牙釉质的磨损表面保持了较好的初始形态,其与天然牙釉质的配对性优于Dentsply陶瓷与天然牙釉质的配对性,是1种具有潜在应用前景的牙科修复材料.


    Abstract: Tribological behaviors of submicron zirconia toughened alumina dental ceramic(Z2S) against Si_3N_4 were investigated on a UMT tribo-meter with a ball-on-disk configuration under lubrication of artificial saliva.As comparison,the triblogical performances of Vita and Dentsply,which are currently used in dental clinic,were used as the baseline.Z2S exhibited better triboligical performance than Vita and Dentsply did,as analyzed from friction coefficient and wear rate.The most promising aspect for Z2S is the wear rate,which is two order lower than that of the two commercial ceramics.The worn surface of Z2S is mainly characterized by mild abrasive wear with plastically deformed grooves,rather than severe plastic deformation and micro-fracture,which are commonly found on the worn surfaces of Vita and Dentsply.The wear mechanism of Z2S under the tested conditions is probably friction-induced phase transformation of ZrO_2.Additional experiments on the Z2S and Dentsply mated with human enamel were conducted.According to the friction and wear simulation,the Z2S/human enamel pair should be the good choice on the basis of the wear rates of the tribo-couple as well as the morphology of worn surface.The wear rate of Z2S is much lower than that of Dentsply,the initial microstructure of human enamel is well preserved as mated with Z2S while it is not as mated with Dentsply.Z2S shows potential application as dental all-ceramic.


