ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Development of Wear Resistance Carbon/Carbon Composites and Their Brake Properties

  • 摘要: 针对常规化学气相沉积碳/碳复合材料存在的制备周期长和工艺过程繁杂等问题,在大量试验研究的基础上,通过对常规压差法化学气相沉积工艺进行重大改进,设计出了一种新的沉积室和气体快速定向流动装置,并且配合沉积工艺参数的调整,成功地利用这种改进压差法制备出了碳/碳复合材料.利用这种方法不仅使制备周期缩短到改进前的40%,省去了常规化学气相沉积法中反复进行的中间机械加工和高温热处理工序,而且大幅度降低了制备成本.全尺寸试样(1∶1)惯性动力试验表明,所得制品不仅具有良好的摩擦磨损性能.制动力矩-速度关系曲线平稳和磨损率低等优点,而且刹车盘表面光滑,未发现碎裂和分层等现象,符合飞机等刹车制动的使用要求


    Abstract: On the basis of tests and exploration, the ordinary pressure gradient technology(PGT) was improved, deposition chamber and equipment of directional flow for deposited gas was designed, and the technological parameters were simultaneously adjusted, C/C composites were successfully prepared by improving pressure gradient technology (IPGT), in view of the question of long manufacturing cycle and miscellaneous technological process for chemical vapour deposition C/C composites. The producing period can be reduced as much as 60%, and intermediate machining and high temperature heat treatment step during common CVD methods are not necessary, so that the production cost is obviously dropped. The inertia dynamic test of whole dimension sample indicated that the products have not only better friction and wear properties, the stable variation of brake moment with velocity, small specific wear, but also are not delamined and fractured. The requirement of brake for aeroplane and so on can be fully satisfied.


