ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Fretting Corrosion Property of Zr-4 alloy in Na2 SO4 Solution

  • 摘要: 采用微动摩擦磨损试验机进行了Zr-4合金/Al2O3摩擦副在空气、纯水和Na2SO4溶液3种介质中的微动腐蚀磨损试验,采用三坐标表面粗糙度仪测量磨损体积损失,利用脉冲电位评价微动磨损所产生的新生面与磨损表面的关系.结果表明:新生面的面积小于磨痕面积而大于实际接触面积;在Na2SO4溶液中摩擦副的磨损量比窄气和纯水中高10倍,但摩擦系数比空气和纯水中小;纯水中Zr-4合金的磨损量等于电位为-2000mV时Na2SO4溶液中的磨损量;在腐蚀环境中磨损量随电位的增高而增大,Zr-4合金的微动腐蚀磨损机制为电化学作用引起的腐蚀磨损.


    Abstract: Using fretting wear abrasion testing machine, fretting wear and fretting corrosion test of the Zr-4 alloy against Al2O3 placed respectively in air, pure water and Na2SO4 solution was carried out. The wear volume was measured with 3D measuring instrument and the relationship between the fresh surface fretting wear produces and lost surface was evaluated with the potential pulse method. The result shows that the fresh surfacing area was smaller than abrasion mark area, and it was bigger than actual contact area. The wear of Zr-4 alloy against Al2O3 in Na2SO4 solution was ten times higher than that in air and pure water, but its coefficient of friction was smaller. The wear of Zr-4 alloy against Al2O3 in pure water was equal to the numeric value of the Zr-4 alloy against Al2O3 in Na2 SO4 solution given the -2000 mv potential. When Zr-4 alloy was in corrosion environment, the wear increased in proportion to the increase of the potential, and the fretting wear and fretting corrosion resulted mainly from electrochemical action.


