ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Periodical Reduction of Friction Coefficient of Polymers Sliding against Steel

  • 摘要: 考察了聚醚醚酮(PEEK),低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)及20%CF增强PEEK等3种聚合物材料的摩擦系数的变化,发现其存在周期性降低现象,低熔点的LDPE的磨损量也呈现周期性的平台现象,发生此类现象的原因在于摩擦热作用下聚合物摩擦表面由玻璃态转变为粘流态而造成其软化及流动。


    Abstract: The periodical change of the friction coefficient in the sliding of PEEK,LDPE, and carbon fiber reinforced PEEK against SAE52100 steel was investigated with a pin on disc test rig. It has been found that the friction coefficients show a periodical reduction and the wear of LDPE shows a periodical platform as well. This is because the rubbing surfaces of the polymers transfer from glass like state to viscous flow state and softening and flowing of the polymers are resulted from the frictional thermal effect.


