ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Influence of Graphite on Tribological Properties of the Bearings Embedded with PTFE

  • 摘要: 作者利用端面摩擦试验机考察了几种石墨与聚四氟乙烯复合固体润滑剂镶嵌锡青铜材料的摩擦磨损性能,发现石墨的添加不仅可以提高聚四氟乙烯镶嵌铀承的耐磨性,而且还可以降低和稳定摩擦系数。通过X射线衍射、X射线光电子能谱和电子探针等对摩擦表面转移膜的化学组成和主要元素含量的变化及表面形貌的分析观察,作者认为石墨的减摩作用是其促进聚四氟乙烯向摩擦表面转移并使之在轴承表面形成均匀覆盖的固体润滑剂转移膜,从而有效地


    Abstract: The tribological properties of several tin bronze embedded with graphite-PTFE composite solid lubricants were observed. It was found that the addition of graphite not only increase the wear resistance of bearings embedded with PTFE, but also decrease and steady their friction coefficient. The chemical composition, change of some main elements amount and morphology of transfer film on friction surface were analysed by means of XRD, XPS and EPMA. It was considered that graphite promoted PTFE transfering to friction surface and formed a evenly covering solid lubricant transfer film, then the adhesion wear of the contact interface is reduced effectively.


