The Wear Map of 2024 Aluminium Alloy Under Dry Sliding Against Mild Steel
摘要: 研究了 2 0 2 4铝合金 / 4 5 #钢摩擦副在干摩擦往复运动条件下的摩擦学特性 ,系统考察了载荷 98~ 4 90 N和速度0 .0 83~ 1.16 7m/ s范围内摩擦副材料的磨损行为 ;通过对磨损表面、断面以及铝在摩擦偶件的转移膜及磨屑的显微分析 ,建立了 2 0 2 4铝合金的磨损机制转变图 .结果表明 :2 0 2 4铝合金在低速和轻载条件下的磨损机制主要是磨粒磨损和剥层磨损 ;而在高速重载条件下的磨损机制主要是严重熔融磨损 ,并伴随向偶件材料表面的大量转移Abstract: Wear map research is one of the hot points in tribology. It has been applied to many materials for classifying and ordering of wear data and for revealing of the relationship between the competing wear mechanisms. However, little attention has been paid to the relationship between the transformation of wear mechanisms and the growth of crack in subsurface concerning the research on wear map up to now. Thus the tribological properties of aluminum alloy sliding against AISI 1045 steel were examined, with an emphasis on the transformation of the wear mechanisms under different testing conditions and on the relationship between the wear mechanism transformation and the generation of micro cracks in the sub worn surface. Accordingly, the wear map of 2024 aluminum alloy under dry sliding against the mild steel was constructed based on careful analysis of the worn surface, cross section, transfer film and wear debris by means of scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry. As the results, 2024 Al alloy was characterized by abrasive wear and delamination wear at very small normal load and slow sliding speed. It was characterized by severe melt wear and adhesion transfer onto the counterface at very high normal load and sliding speed. The transformation of the wear mechanisms is highly dependent on the direction of the growth of cracks in sub worn surface.
- aluminum alloy
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