ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Testing of Human Hand Skin

  • 摘要: 采用微观摩擦磨损试验机对20名男女志愿者双手不同部位的摩擦系数进行测试.结果表明:男性手背皮肤的摩擦系数比女性偏低(女性为0.48~0.49,男性为0.38~0.39);男、女手掌的摩擦系数相差不大(女性为0.60~0.67,男性为0.62~0.70);男、女指纹的摩擦系数比较接近(女性为0.78~0.65,男性为0.77~0.68);男、女指甲的摩擦系数分别为女性0.25~0.21,男性0.23~0.21.在人体手部的手背、手掌、指纹和指甲4个部位中,摩擦系数的高低依次为指纹>手掌>手背>指甲.


    Abstract: In order to investigate the skin biological and tribological properties of human hands and provide useful information for the manufacture of hand skin care products and other studies related to hand skin,testing of skin friction coefficient of hands was carried out on a multi-specimen test system.Twenty healthy volunteers were tested,the skin friction coefficient on the male hand back was lower than that on the female hand back,the female's was 0.48~0.49 and the male's was 0.38~0.49.There was not much difference on the skin friction coefficient of palm between male and female,the female's was 0.60~0.67 and the male's was 0.62~0.70.No much difference existed about the skin friction coefficient of dactylogram of male and female,the female's was 0.78~0.65 and the male's was 0.77~0.68.In addition,the friction coefficient of nails of female and male was 0.25~0.21 and 0.23~0.21,respectively.The magnitude order of skin friction coefficients of human hand in sequence of decreasement was the back,palm,dactylogram and nail.


