ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Starvation on Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Simple Sliding Point Contact with Surface Bump

  • 摘要: 本文求解了纯滑动点接触热弹性流体动力润滑问题。分析中假设运动表面为光滑表面,静止表面在接触中心有1个垂直于卷吸速度方向的横向突起。将计算域划为乏油区、压力区和气穴区3个子区,乏油区和气穴区的压力计算算法一致,但是温度的计算方法不同。研究结果显示:在乏油工况下,油膜中压力和温度均在入口处新月形液面处开始建立,入口区乏油程度的增加会导致油膜中压力分布趋近于干接触状态,油膜中平均温度得以提高,最大压力和温度均出现在赫兹接触圆两侧的宏观马蹄形区域。同全膜润滑相比,油膜厚度被明显降低,并且随着乏油程度的增加,静止表面的突起逐渐被压平。


    Abstract: Numerical analyses were carried out to simulate the effects of inlet oil starvation on thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication (TEHL) point contacts. It was assumed that surface with a transverse bump was stationary and smooth surface was moving. It is found that temperature in the oil film increased suddenly at the inlet meniscus like the pressure build-up due to the discontinuous oil film at that boundary. The increase of the degree of inlet starvation raised the average temperature in the oil film. The maximum pressure and temperature for the rough contact occurred at the macroscopic horseshoe shaped constriction. As the degree of oil starvation increased, the film thickness wass gradually reduced and the surface bump was attenuated.


