ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4


核-壳结构PS/C eO 2复合磨料的制备及其氧化物化学机械抛光性能

Synthesis of PS-Core Ceria-Shell Composite Abrasive and Its Application in Oxide CMP

  • 摘要: 以无皂乳液聚合方法制备的聚苯乙烯(PS)微球为内核,硝酸铈为铈源,六亚甲基四胺为沉淀剂,采用液相工艺制备了PS/CeO2复合颗粒。利用XRD、TEM、SAED、FESEM、EDAX等手段,对所制备样品的物相结构、形貌、粒径大小和元素成分组成进行表征。将所制备的复合磨料用于硅晶片热氧化层的化学机械抛光,用AFM观察抛光表面的微观形貌,并测量表面粗糙度。结果表明,所制备的PS/ CeO2复合颗粒具有核-壳结构,呈近球形,粒径在250~300 nm,PS内核表面被粒径在5~10 nm 的CeO2纳米颗粒均匀包覆,壳层的厚度为10~20 nm。抛光后的硅热氧化层表面在5 μm×5 μm范围内粗糙度Ra值和RMS值分别为0.188 nm和0.238 nm,抛光速率达到461.1 nm/min。


    Abstract: Polystyrene (PS) microsphere prepared by soap-free emulsion polymerization was coated with CeO2 by chemical precipitation. As-prepared samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX). Thermal oxide film on top of silicon wafer was polished by PS/CeO2 composite abrasives. The polished silicon wafer surface by novel composite abrasives was characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results indicated that core-shell PS/CeO2 composite particles with the diameters of 250~300 nm possessed a 10~20 nm thin shell that was composed of uniformly packed CeO2 nanoparticles (particle diameter of 5~10 nm). Ra and RMS (root-mean-square) within 5 μm×5 μm area of thermal oxide film surface polished by PS/CeO2 composite abrasives were 0.188 nm and 0.238 nm, respectively. The material removal rate was 461.1 nm/min.


