ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Friction-reduction and Wear-resistant Behavior of Graphite in Gray Cast Iron Sliding against Al_2O_3 Ceramics under Different Conditions

  • 摘要: 考察了灰铸铁/A12O3陶瓷摩擦副在干摩擦、蒸馏水、乳化液和机油润条件下的摩擦磨损特性,并分析灰铸铁中石墨在不同润滑剂润滑下的减摩作用。结果表明:在这几种润滑条件下A12O3陶瓷和铸铁摩擦副的摩擦系数及摩损量都有所降低;在干摩擦及蒸馏水润滑下,石墨能起减摩耐磨作用;而在乳化液及油润滑下石墨难以起到润滑作用。


    Abstract: The friction and wear behavior of gray cast iron in sliding against Al 2O 3 ceramics under different conditions was investigated on an MM 200 friction and wear tester, with focus on revealing the friction reduction and wear resistant action of graphite in the gray cast iron under dry sliding and lubricating condition of distilled water, emulsion and a machinery oil. The morphologies of the worn surfaces were observed with a scanning electron microscope, while the elemental composition of the transferred layer on the worn surface of Al 2O 3 ceramics were examined by means of energy dispersive spectroscopy. As the results, the friction coefficient and wear volume loss of the frictional pairs are ranked as dry sliding > distilled water lubrication> emulsion or oil lubrication. The graphite in gray cast iron could function to reduce friction and wear effectively under dry sliding and water lubricated condition; while such friction reductionand wear resistant action of the graphite in the gray cast iron becomes indistinctive under the lubricating conditions of emulsion and a machinery oil.


