ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Law of the Variation of Maximum Static Friction Force with Height in Granular Materials

  • 摘要: 研究了圆棒在颗粒物质中受到的最大静摩擦力与颗粒填充高度的关系,并采用连续介质模型计算了圆棒在颗粒物质中受到的最大摩擦力.结果表明,当颗粒填充高度H小于圆筒直径的2倍时,最大静摩擦力F与H2成正比;当H大于2倍圆筒直径时,F与H成正比;理论计算结果与实验结果相符.


    Abstract: The law of the variation of the maximum static friction force exerted on a rod immersed in a granular matter with the filling height of the granules was experimentally studied. Moreover, a continuum media model was used to calculate the maximum static friction force exerted on the rod. It was observed that the maximum static friction force was proportional to the depth square of the filling granules at a granular filling height below the double cylinder diameter and linearly proportional to the filling height at a granular filling height above the double cylinder diameter. At the same time, the theoretically calculated maximum static force exerted on the rod immersed in a granular matter agreed well with the experimental one.


