ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Contact Area on Wear of Brass/Steel Tribo-couple

  • 摘要: 本文对不同直径铜销与钢盘的摩擦磨损进行了研究,研究结果表明:在相同正压力条件下,不同直径销的磨损率随销直径的增大有降低趋势,并且这种降低趋势随销直径的增大逐渐趋于平缓,当接触面积增大到一定尺寸后,其磨损率不再变化,趋于恒定值,由此建立了相同正压力条件下磨损率与接触面积的变化规律数学模型。根据该模型可确定摩擦副的设计尺寸或预测摩擦副的使用寿命;在正压强和其他试验条件相同的条件下,不同直径铜销在单位时间单位面积上的磨损量随着销直径的增大有降低的趋势,并且这种降低趋势随销直径的增大逐渐趋于平缓,本文从铜销直径变化而导致的摩擦副接触表面生热和铜销表面散热等方面对这种现象进行了论述。


    Abstract: The effect of contact area on wear is not clear at present. Wear tests of brass pins of different sizes sliding against 40Cr discs were investigated at fixed loads and pressures. Results indicated that the wear rates first became smaller and then tended to be stable as the pin diameter got larger at fixed loads. A mathematic model was built and can be used to design the geometry of frictional pair and predict its lifetime. The wear rate first got smaller and then tended to be stable as the diameter of pin increased at fixed pressure. Finally, the roles of the heat generation and heat dissipation of the pin on above results were discussed.


