ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Diagnosing of Contact Friction Fault of a Plain Bearing under Dead Load Based on AE Monitoring

  • 摘要: 在利用振动信号诊断静载荷滑动轴承接触摩擦故障的基础上,利用声发射监测方法对静载荷滑动轴承接触摩擦故障进行诊断.研究表明,与振动信号相比,声发射信号的频率响应范围更宽,所包含的信息量更大,能较好地反映轴承的摩擦规律,故障特征明显,易于识别,参数稳定性较好,因而可以更有效地诊断静载荷滑动轴承接触摩擦故障.


    Abstract: Acoustic Emission(AE) monitoring method was used to diagnose the contact friction fault of a plain bearing under dead-load.On a controllable test rig,liquid lubrication to dry friction was controlled by cutting off lubricating oil for various durations.The experiment parameters were normalized so as to realize convenient and simplified diagnosis.The applicability of the resulting non-dimensional diagnosis rule to the diagnosis of the contact fault of the bearing was investigated.As compared with vibration monitoring method,AE signals have a more wide range of frequency response and large information amount,which can effectively reflect the faults of a plain bearing.AE signals is more stable and character of fault is clear and can be easily detected in comparison with vibration signals.


