Research Progress in Tribological Problems of Ocean Structure
摘要: 海洋结构物主要包括海上钻井平台、油气开采平台、FPSO、海底输油管线及海上大型储油罐等大型海上结构物.海洋结构物总是处于波浪、海流、风暴、海冰等严峻海洋环境中,并受到海生物污损、海洋腐蚀、磨损等多方面因素相互作用的影响,摩擦学问题无处不在.论文针对海洋平台结构、流体处理及运输设备、定位设备及作业设备四方面的摩擦学问题进行论述,主要介绍了海洋平台结构、管道系统及海水泵、锚链及螺旋桨、钻井套管及电潜泵等海工设备的工作特点,概述了国内外关于这类海工设备的摩擦学问题的研究现状,并对海洋结构物的摩擦学研究重点进行了展望.Abstract: The offshore structure includes the offshore drilling platform, oil and gas exploitation platform, FPSO, the submarine pipeline and the large oil tank, etc. The offshore structure is affected by the severe ocean environment (such as the wave, ocean current, windstorm, the frigid sea ice) and suffered the biofouling and the ocean corrosion. The tribological problems of the offshore platform structure, fluid handling and transporting equipment, the locator device and operation equipment were discussed in this paper. The tribological characteristics of the marine equipments (such as the offshore platform structure, the pipeline system and sea water pump, the mooring chain and propeller, the well casing and electric submersible pump) were presented. The overseas and domestic research status about the tribological problems of the marine equipments were summarized, the main tribological problems of ocean structure were prospected and presented in the paper.
- offshore platform structure /
- pipeline system /
- mooring chain /
- propeller /
- well casing /
- pump /
- friction /
- wear
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