ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Solid Lubricating Film/Oil or Grease Complex System I:Tribological Properties of MoS2 Film at Dry Sliding and Coated with Trifluorinated-butyl with Methyl Terminated Silicon Oil or the Related Grease Formulated with Powder of PTFE

  • 摘要: 本文采用溅射技术制备了MoS2薄膜,用UMT-2MT摩擦试验机考察了MoS2膜/钢球摩擦副分别在干摩擦、氟丙基氯苯基硅油(115#油)和KK-5脂(由115#润滑油经聚四氟乙烯粉稠化制成)润滑条件下的摩擦学性能,并分析了其润滑和失效机制。结果表明:脂润滑状态下,MoS2+ KK-5复合膜处于不连续的边界润滑,其摩擦学性能得到改善但不明显;115#油润滑条件下,由于连续、有效的边界润滑,使得MoS2+115#固体-油复合体系的摩擦系数低而平稳,其耐磨损寿命与单独MoS2薄膜相比提高了至少8倍;相对于上述2种情况,干摩擦条件下的MoS2膜磨损明显。


    Abstract: The use of space satellites for communication and navigation is ever increasing in both military and commercial applications. High costs for both constructing and launching satellites are driving the need to extend the useful lifetime of these satellites. Improving lubrication of the mechanical systems is one of the key issues for prolonged service lifetime of satellite or spacecraft.MoS2-based film was prepared by rf-sputtering. Lubricants, i.e. trifluorinated-butyl with methyl terminated silicon oil (code as 115# oil) and the related grease formulated by PTFE powders (code as KK-5 grease) were synthesized at laboratory. Friction and wear properties of the MoS2 film, MoS2 film coated with 115# oil or KK-5 were investigated on a UMT-2MT tribo-meter. The effects of load and speed on friction and wear were also investigated. The worn surfaces of the MoS2 and its counterpart AISI 52100 steel balls were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the friction coefficient and wear lifetime of MoS2 dry-film were about 0.11 and 1.0×105 revolution, respectively. The friction and wear properties of solid lubricating film/oil or grease complex lubrication system were much better than that of MoS2 dry-film. The friction coefficient and wear lifetime of the MoS2 film lubricated with KK-5 grease were about 0.09 and 2.1×105 revolution, respectively. The complex lubrication system, MoS2 +115# oil, exhibited excellent friction and wear properties. Its friction coefficient was about 0.07 and its wear lifetime exceeded 8.0×105 revolution.


