ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



A Study on Chemical Reactivity and Extreme Pressure and Antiwear Properties of Binary Additive Systems

  • 摘要: 利用热丝法和四球试验机研究了二元添加剂体系的化学反应活性和极压抗磨性,并用俄歇电子能谱仪分析了试验后细铁丝和钢球磨痕表面的元素组成。结果表明,石油磺酸钙和苯三唑脂肪胺盐对3种含磷极压抗磨剂的抗磨性都有比较明显的影响,而对它们的极压性却几乎没有影响。


    Abstract: The chemical reactivity, extreme pressure (EP) and antiwear (AW) properties of binary additive systems were investigated using hot-wire method and four-ball test machine. Auger electron spectroscopy was applied to analyze the element constitution of wire surface and the wear trace surface of steel ball after test for understanding the interactions between EP and AW additive and other type of additive on the iron surface. The results indicated that the antiwear properties of three EP and AW additives are apparently influenced by petroleum calcium sulphonate and benzotriazole hexade-camine, but the antiwelding property is not. During the reaction of EP and AW additives on iron surface the antiwear properties of three EP and AW additives reduce in the presence of petroleum calcium sulphonate owing to its intervention. Benzotriazole hexadecamine can improve the antiwear properties of three EP and AW additives because it enhances the chemical reactivity of additive to adequate level.


