ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Study on the Wear Mechanism of Au-Rare Earth Alloy Wires

  • 摘要: 采用扫描电子显微镜、微区电子探针及 X射线光电子能谱等分析测试技术考察了金 -稀土合金电刷丝摩擦副的磨损机理 .结果表明 :该摩擦副的摩擦磨损机理为轻微粘着磨损 ;合金中稀土元素发生偏聚 ;在摩擦升温过程中 ,稀土元素向合金表面扩散富集 ,摩擦副接触表面氧化层不断生成和磨损 ,从而降低电刷丝的表面能 ,使摩擦副的接触表面粘着能降低 ,从而改善其摩擦磨损


    Abstract: The morphology, elemental distribution, and chemical states of some typical elements on the original and worn surface of Au rare earth alloy wire sliding against Cu 40 NiZnMnCe alloy ring were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis, and X ray photoelectron spectrometry. Then the wear mechanisms of the Au rare earth alloy wire were discussed based on the related surface analytical results. It was showed that the alloy wire was characterized by slight adhesion wear and oxidation at extended test duration. The rare earth elements in the alloy wire diffused onto the surface and segregated at Au rich zones owing to the temperature rising during the sliding process. The elements Cu and Ni were oxidized in the sliding process, with the formation of Cu 2O and Ni 2O 3, while friction did not lead to change of chemical state of Au. The oxidized products helped to keep off the frictional pair contact, and hence to decrease the surface energy of the alloy wire. This partly accounted for the decrease in the friction coefficient and wear rate of the Au rare earth alloy wire sliding against Cu 40 NiZnMnCe alloy ring.


