ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Development Situation and Tendency of Wear Map Research

  • 摘要: 磨损研究作为摩擦学领域的一个重要分支日益受到广泛重视,并且已经积螺了大量的实验数据,建立了不少磨损模型和以此为基础的磨损计算公式,但是,这些大都是在某些特定条件下将某一磨损机理孤立起来进行研究的结果,故其实际应用具有很大的局限性,在本世纪80年代初问世的磨损图研究能够有效地改变这种状况。已有的研究成果表明,从一幅简单的磨损图上,不仅可以看出磨损的分类,以及每种磨损形式的特征及其控制因素和类型,而且


    Abstract: Stidy of wear as an important research area of trobology has gained more and moreatention. Up to now,numerious research results on wear have been published and enormous amountof wear data has been accumulated.Many wear models have been developed and many wearformulas based on those wear models have been proposed.However,research in the past tended tofocus on the details of a single mechanism under a given set of C onditions to minimize the effectfactors. Mechanistic interpretations and models proposed on the basis of such data have limitedvalidity. In the initial stage of 80's, the study of wear map appeared.It has been shown that theabove situation can be efficiently changed through this approach.From a simple wear map,we canfirstly find that how the wear modes are classified,and what kind of characteristics each wear modehas;secondly,we can find that the types of parameters which control the generating condition ofeach wear mode;finally,we will possibly obtain the information on how to improve the wearresistance of materials,which may help us to make the correct selection of the mating materials,enviromental conditions and dynamic operating conditions, etc. Thus,it can be said that the studyof wear map possesses the characteristics of more systematic,deeper and more applicable than thatof the previous study of wear.For speeding up the development of wear map study,the authorssummarized and re viewed the past of wear map study. Several wear maps and their functions,making processes were introduced as examples. The future development tendency of wear map studywas also discussed preliminarily in the paper.The establishment of classifing standards of wear modeand of multiple dimension wear maps may be the focal point of future study of wear map.


