ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Friction and Wear Behavior of Carbide Derived Carbon Coating Sliding against Si3N4 under the Lubrication of Water

  • 摘要: 基于SiC陶瓷在水润滑条件下可能出现因摩擦界面无水或过载引起的失效问题,考察了SiC陶瓷、碳化物衍生碳(CDC)涂层在干摩擦和水润滑条件下的摩擦磨损性能.研究结果表明:CDC涂层在干摩擦和水润滑条件下均具有优异的摩擦学性能,可在摩擦界面无水或过载下正常工作;在水润滑条件下,CDC涂层在宽的载荷和滑动速度下具有优异的摩擦学性能.从微结构角度分析比较了CDC涂层与商品石墨的差异,并由此讨论了其摩擦学性能的差异.讨论了加工SiC陶瓷引起的表面织构对CDC涂层在水润滑条件下摩擦学性能的影响机制.


    Abstract: To elimainate the risk of failure due to the loss of water at the tribo-interface and overloading for SiC in water lubricated condition, the friction and wear of SiC and CDC coating under dry sliding and in water were investigated. CDC coating exhibited excellent tribological properties under dry sliding and in water. It was feasible to use CDC coating as a tribo-coating for case of the loss of water at the tribo-interface and overloading. A comparison on tribological behavior of CDC coating and commercial graphite was made on the basis of microstructure (carbon species, particle size, porosity). The effect of surface texture on CDC coating surface (induced by machining SiC) on the friction and wear was discussed.


