ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Research Progress on Fluid Catalyst Attrition

  • 摘要: 介绍了近年来流化催化剂的磨损机制及其耐磨性检测技术方面的研究进展,结合纳米压痕和颗粒粒度分布测试等技术分析了流化催化剂的体断裂和剥层机制,介绍了评价催化剂耐磨性的各种磨损试验方法及其磨损模型,其中流化磨损试验可直观有效地反映流化催化剂的耐磨性.指出今后需在流化模型、计算模拟和细观力学性能测试等方面进行深入研究,以满足探索催化剂磨损机理和改善其磨损测试适用性的需求.


    Abstract: Recent progress of the study on fluidic catalyst attrition mechanism and attrition test methodology was reviewed. Nanoindentation and PSD test were used to examine influences of various mechanical and hydrodynamical parameters upon attrition modes of catalyst particles dominated by fragmentation and abrasion. Prevailing lab-scale attrition assessment methods were introduced, and fluidized-bed jet attrition tests were found to be effective and straightforward to predict catalyst attrition. For further exploration of attrition mechanisms of fluidic catalyst and improvement of attrition test, in-depth study work will be needed on aspects such as hydrodynamic models, computing simulation and microscopic mechanic test in the future.


