ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Wear Behavior of SiC-Reihforced Aluminum Alloy composites in Various Conditions

  • 摘要: 动载磨损是工程应用的一种常见现象,然而已有的试验研究大都是以平稳加方式进行的,这样得到的磨损规律显然与实际工况下的不符。因此,利用滑动磨损和喷砂冲员两种不同的试验方法,对SiC颗粒增强2024Al复合材料的磨损行为进行了试验研究。


    Abstract: Dynamic wear is common phenomenon in engineering practices. But most of theprevious studies used to be carried out in a steady loading condition,and the results would notbe accorded with what happenned in practice. Therefore,wear behavior of SiCp/2024Al com-posites has been investigated in two tests with different loadings :1)sliding wear;2)sand-blasting erosion. The results showed that in the sliding wear test with a steady load,the wearresistance of composites was remarkably better than that of the matrix alloys and increasedwith increasing volume fraction and size of SiC;on the contrary,in the erosion test with animpact load,the wear resistance of the composites was much worse than that of the matrix al-loys,and decreased with increasing volume fraction and size of SiC.


