ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Models of Wearless Friction at the Atomic Scale

  • 摘要: 对描述原子级光滑表面之间的无磨损界面摩擦的微观过程的2个理论模型进行了综述,探讨了Frenkel-Kontorova(FK)模型的非线性静态和动态性质的复杂性,根据FK模型,静态特性在很大程度上依赖于表面晶格常数间的公度性,而动态特性则可分为周期解、准周期解和混沌解加以讨论。


    Abstract: In order to gain a fundermental understanding of friction, many efforts have been made on wearless interfacial friction between two clean and atomically flat surfaces. Two simple theoretical models are reviewed in this concern. Thus the nonlinear static and dynamical properties of Frenkel Kontorova (FK) model presenting more complexities of wearless friction are discussed. In FK model,the static properties strongly depend on the commensurability of the lattice constants of the surfaces, and the kinetic properties are divided into perodic, quasi perodic and chaotic solutions.


