ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Investigation of the Wear Resistance of High Carbon High Vanadium High Speed Steel

  • 摘要: 制备了不同成分的新型高碳高钢系高速钢,并与高铬铸铁对比考察了其耐磨性和磨损机理。结果表明:高碳高钡系高速钢的耐磨性明显优于高铬铸铁;其组织中的碳化物形态对耐磨性具有显著影响,其中具有细小及弥散分布的颗粒状MC型碳化物组织的试样的耐磨性最佳;其磨损机理为犁削和应力作用下碳化物的脆性碎裂及脱落。


    Abstract: High carbon high vanadium high speed steel samples of various compositions were prepared by means of non oxidation melting. The effect of heat treatment and the alloying elements including Ti, V, Nb, and Mo, on the micro structure and wear resistance of the steel samples has been examined. The wear mechanisms of the steel have been explored as well. As the results, high carbon high vanadium high speed steel shows much better wear resistance than high chromium cast iron. The wear resistance of the steel is highly dependent on the morphology and size of MC type carbide. The steel sample 2.0C 2Mo 5Cr 5W 8V which contains fine and dispersed MC type carbide micro structure has the best wear resistance. The wear mechanisms of the novel high speed steel are ploughing and brittle fragment and striping of carbide phase under stress.


