ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Behavior of Hot-extruded Al-Si-Pb Bearing Alloys

  • 摘要: 研究了热挤压对搅拌铸造 Al- Si- Pb合金组织与机械性能的影响 .结果表明 :热挤压可以显著改善合金铸态组织 ,降低气孔率 ,提高机械性能 ;随着铅含量增加 ,合金的摩擦系数与磨损率显著下降 ,尤其铅含量为 2 0 %与 2 5 %的合金抗咬合性能明显提高 .对其磨损表面的光学与 X射线光电子能谱分析表明 ,磨损表面了形成由 Al2 O3、Fe2 O3和 Pb的化合物组成的混合物润滑膜 ,这是其抗咬合性能得以改善的直接原因 .


    Abstract: To improve mechanical properties, especially friction and wear characteristics of as cast Al Pb alloys, an attempt was made to study the friction and wear behavior of hot extruded Al Pb alloys under dry sliding conditions. It was found that hot extrusion considerably improved the mechanical properties of as cast Al Pb alloys and greatly decreased the porosity that was caused by powerful stirring. The friction coefficient and wear rate decreased with increasing lead content, especially the anti seizure property of Al Pb alloys containing 20wt.% and 25wt.% lead was improved remarkably. The optical and XPS analysis of worn surface reveal that the reason is attributed to formation of a black compact film of lubricant on almost entire worn surface of specimens at high applied load. This film could be composed of probably is a mixture of Al 2O 3, Fe 2O 3 and a compound containing Pb.


