ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Wear Resistance of Mo/Al2O3 Composites

  • 摘要: 无压烧结制备了不同组分的Mo/Al2O3复合材料样品,对样品的磨损行为和磨损机理进行了研究,并用电子探针分析了其磨损形貌.结果表明:Mo/Al23O33 复合材料的磨损率随Mo含量的增加呈上升趋势,在30vol.% Mo时出现峰值;摩擦系数随着Mo含量的增加而增大,20vol.% Mo样品的摩擦系数较小;Mo含量不超过60%时,当出现Mo的连续相或者Al2O3的连续相时复合材料表现出较好的耐磨性;Mo含量较低时磨损机理表现为脆性脱落,而Mo含量较高时材料的磨损机理主要为磨粒磨损


    Abstract: Mo/Al2O3composites with various compositions were sintered under pressureless conditions The wear behavior and wear mechanism of Mo / Al2O3 composites were studied Results indicated that the wear rates initially increased with the increasing volume fraction of Mo At 30 % to 60 % , the wear rates decreased as the volume fraction of Mo increased A marked increment in wear rate can be found as the volume fraction increased from 60% to 70 %. At 10 % and 20 % , the friction coefficients were low The composites exhibited good wear resistance when the volume fraction of Mo was higher than 60 % and MoorAl2O3 was continous. The wear mechanisms were brittle break off for composites with low Mo fraction , and abrasive wear for composites with high Mo fraction


