ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Moving Track of the Surface Particle and Torque for the Ultrasonic Motor Using the Traveling Wave in the Plane

  • 摘要: 提出了面内行波超声电机的摩擦模型 ,研究了面内行波超声电机的动力传递机理 ,得出了电机的理想工作点 ,同时将电机的转矩和效率与定子表面质点的法向位移、切向位移及预应力相结合 ,提出为了实现电机大转矩和高效率 ,表面质点的法向位移应与转子接触区域质点的周向运动方向相同 .在满足上述条件的基础上 ,定子表面质点的切向位移和法向位移之比应尽量大 ,最佳比值应在考虑定子和转子之间的预紧力的条件下 ,使得电机工作于最大静摩擦力下 .最后采用有限元计算进行了验证


    Abstract: A friction model of the ultrasonic motor using the traveling wave in the plane is proposed. The dynamic passing mechanism of the ultrasonic motor using the traveling wave in the plane is investigated, and the optimal working point for the motor is derived. Combining the efficiency and torque of the motor with the displacement along the normal direction and tangential direction of the motor stator and pre-pressure, it was suggested that the vertical displacement of the surface particles coincides with the circular motion direction of the particles in the rotator contact zone, so as to realize big torque and efficiency of the motor. Besides, it was suggested to have the ratio of the tangential displacement to the normal displacement of the stator particles as big as possible, and the optimal ratio should be determined by taking into account the pre-pressure between the stator and the rotator, so that the motor worked at a maximum stiction. Moreover, the method was verified by finite element method.


