ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Lubricating Properties of Aviation Oil 4010 under High-pressure Micro Clearance

  • 摘要: 在自制的新型膜厚测量仪上,测量4010航空油在不同接触压力、温度和卷吸速度下的干涉图像,分析接触区的润滑特性。结果表明:在低温高速区主要表现为弹流润滑,中心膜厚与接触压力呈负相关;而在低温低速、高温区主要表现为薄膜润滑,中心膜厚受接触压力的影响较小。在弹流润滑区内高接触压力下油膜形状呈平坦状分布,而薄膜润滑区内油膜形状总体上比较平滑。随着载荷的增加,弹流润滑区内由Hamrock-Dowson理论算得的膜厚值和实测值逐渐偏离,理论公式中卷吸速度和载荷的指数需要调整;而薄膜润滑区的膜厚值基本上保持平稳。


    Abstract: Using a self-made setup for measuring film thickness, the interference images of the 4010 aviation oil at the contact zone under various conditions (contact pressure, temperature and rolling speed) and lubricating behavior of the 4010 aviation oil were investigated. It was found that the lubricating regime was elastohydrodynamic lubrication at low temperature and high speed, and characterized by a negative relation between central film thickness and contact pressure. While under the conditions of the low temperature, low speed and high-temperature, thin film lubrication regime was observed. In this regime, contact pressure played a less role on the central film thickness. In the EHL regime, the shape of oil film under high contact pressure was flat. The oil film shape was relatively smooth for the thin film lubrication regime. As load increased, the film thickness calculated by Hamrock-Dowson theory was gradually deviated from the measured values at the EHL zone, and the index of rolling speed and load from the theoretical formula should be adjusted. In the thin film lubrication regime, the film thickness was smooth with increasing load.


