ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Friction Characteristics of Soil-Soil Interface and Root-Soil Interface of Caragana Intermedia and Salix Psammophila

  • 摘要: 通过直剪试验研究了垂直荷载、土体干密度、土体含水率对柠条根-土界面、沙柳根-土界面以及土-土界面的摩擦特性。结果表明:柠条根-土界面、沙柳根-土界面与土-土界面的剪切特性相似,均服从莫尔-库仑理论;柠条根-土界面、沙柳根-土界面的摩擦系数随着土体干密度的增大而增大;土壤含水率对柠条根-土界面、沙柳根-土界面摩擦系数和黏聚力的影响与素土相同,三者的摩擦系数随含水率增加逐渐减小,而黏聚力随着含水率增大呈先增大后减少的变化。在自然生境下主要根系分布层,柠条、沙柳的根-土界面摩擦系数大于土-土界面,尽管根-土界面黏聚力小于土-土界面黏聚力,但是根-土界面的摩擦系数的增大仍使根-土界面抗剪强度大于土-土界面,说明根-土结合面抵抗位移的能力大于土-土界面;2种植物相比,柠条根系抵抗根-土分离的能力优于沙柳。


    Abstract: Using a direct shear test on soil-soil interface and root-soil interface of Caragana intermedia and Salix psammophila, friction characteristics of the interface was examined, and the influences of normal stress, dry density of soil and soil moisture content on friction characteristics were analyzed. The results showed that, the shear characteristics of root-soil interface of Caragana intermedia and Salix psammophila obeys to the Mohr-Coulomb theory. Friction coefficient of root-soil interface of Caragana intermedia and Salix psammophila increased with increasing dry density of soil. The effects of soil moisture content on friction coefficient and cohesive strength at root-soil interface of Caragana intermedia and Salix psammophila was similar to that in pure soil. With increasing soil moisture content, friction coefficient decreased, and cohesive strength increased firstly, and then decreased. In the main roots distribution layer, although the cohesive strength of root-soil interface was inferior to soil-soil, the shear strength of root-soil interface was stronger than that of soil-soil because of increasing friction coefficient. It indicated that the capacity of resisting displacement at root-soil interface was higher than that at soil-soil. So far as the friction characteristics were concerned, soil reinforcement of Caragana intermedia roots was better than that of Salix psammophila roots.


